UNM Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation


Xevo G2 XS Quadrupole Time-of-Flight (QToF) Mass Spectrometer with UPLC and GC sample introduction/separation.


Manufacturer: Waters, Milford, MA

Specfic Features:

  1. Mass resolution of the QToF (> 40,000 FWHM at m/z 1000) allows for exact mass determinations for novel compounds.  The mass accuracy and resolution are well within 5 ppm.
  2. Mass range of molecules (up to m/z 100,000) enables mass measurements on purified proteins and peptides.
  3. Tandem MS/MS experiments and multi-reaction monitoring (MRM) capabilities for structural and quantitative analyses for small molecules.
  4. Sample introduction methods including Gas Chromatography, infusion, and UPLC.
  5. Auto-samplers aid in temperature sensitive and high throughput analyses.

Acquisition Date: 2019

Uses: Exact mass determinations, protein mass measurement

Waters Xevo G2-XS QTof website

Funding Acknowledgement: 

Please include this funding statement in publications using data acquired with this instrument:

"We recognize NSF (CHE 1920229) for the purchase of the QTOF mass spectrometer utilized in this work."


SHIMADZU MALDI-8020 Benchtop Linear MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer

Specific Features:

1. Linear mode (positive ion) MALDI-TOF with a 200 Hz solid-state laser, 355 nm.
2. A single steel target plate can load 48 samples at once for rapid sample analysis.
3. Peptides, proteins, polymers or oligonucleotides - the instrument is capable of delivering the performance required for QC applications.
4. To maximize uptime, the system is equipped with TrueClean - an automated, rapid (<10 min) UV laser-based source cleaning which can be used to clean the extraction electrode in-situ without breaking instrument vacuum.


Waters UPLC/UV/QDa-MS (student walk-up use)


Specific features:

  1. UPLC separations
  2. UV/VIS detection from 200 to 700nm, single or dual wavelenth detection
  3. single quadrupole mass spectrometer, unit mass resolution, m/z range 50-1250
  4. student walk-up use following training

Acquisition Date: Feb 2023

Uses: reaction confirmation, purity checks, mass measurement of synthetic or isolated natural products.

Funding Acknowledgement: 

Please include this funding statement in publications using data acquired with this instrument:

"We recognize the UNM Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), in collaboration with Academic Affairs and ADVANCE at UNM, for providing funding for the QDa LC/MS via the Program for Enhancing Research Capacity (PERC)."


Agilent 7890 Gas Chromatograph with 5977 Mass Spectrometer


Specific Features:

  1. automated liquid sampler
  2. mass range to 500 amu