Forms and Fees
Sample Submissions
For exact mass analyses or small molecule analyses please use this Request for Analysis Form
The current fee table is linked here.
DISCOUNTS are applied to LC/MS sequences - refer to this document for a summary.
All analyses that do not fall into the categories listed will be considered special applications. Availability of and fees for these applications should be discussed with the facility prior to sample submission.
User/Faculty Agreement for access to 'Walk-up' QDa LC/MS
This form, along with training outlined in the companion document "2023-QDa-procedures.docx" allows student to utilize the shared resource walk-up instrument located in the MSF laboratory. Click here to download form.
Access to 'Walk-up' QDa LC/MS - certified users can reserve time
We are using the 'FACES' scheduling system, just as the NMR facility. Trained users will recieve access instructions and the calendars can be found this link: and using the Group UNM_MS.
"Prime time" 10am to 4pm - each user can reserve 60 minutes maximum in 30 minute blocks
(up to 3 future appointments)
"Early / Late" before 10 am and after 4pm - each user can reserve a maximum of a 6 hour block in 30 minute increments
(up to 3 future appointments)
2025 QDa procedures - hardcopy available at the instrument
Please follow the steps carefully and in order. Remember to use split-septum vials!!!
Procedure for Using the Walk-up LC/MS
***If any data obtained in the MSF results in or is included in any publications, please acknowledge "...the UNM Mass Spectrometry Facility for mass analysis..."***